Exploring Pays Off

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Prof. Salt
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Exploring Pays Off

Post by Prof. Salt »

With the Nueces marsh resembling chocolate soup lately due to the dredge spoil being dumped at the entrance, I went to a different location that I haven't visited in more than a year. I consulted the tide table and solunar chart and made a plan. The fish should move early for a short feeding window, but it wouldn't last too long so I needed to keep busy and catch fish while I could. Moving to the new location was a good gamble, and as the first hints of daylight came on I found trout feasting on the shad hatch at the entrance to one flat. Trout were in the channel and taking full advantage of the moving water that carried the tiny fish into the shallows. As I passed onto the shallow flat I noticed a few blow-ups so I turned around to cast at them. By sunrise I had caught five fat trout in the 16-17" range, and with three in the bag I left them feeding to search for reds. I could see several swirling around in the shallow open area, and when one close by poked his back above the surface the Z-man Trick Shot was sent across the fish's bow. It was still early (the photo looks brighter than it was) but I had one in red down and needed a couple more.
As I made my way towards the next flat there were plenty of exposed lower-slot fish, but I gave them a pass until one showed up in perfect casting position. I couldn't help myself, and the lure was inhaled without hesitation. I enjoyed the visual and continued on with a big smile after the fish was released. ON the next big shallow section I found a bunch of exposed fish and many of them were a little larger. These weren't huge fish, but were respectable mid-slot fish that were actively feeding and calling to me. For two hours I slowly pushed myself from one fish to the next. Some blew out, a few pulled the hooks after the eat, but many of them fought to the kayak and were released. At one point I broke out the fly rod and got it ready. As I looked around I counted six fish in all directions that were visible and within casting range. I casted to the one at the easiest angle and the fight blew the others out for a few minutes.
After 9am the wind began to come up, so I turned back towards the truck but maintained a slow and sneaky speed as the search continued. At one corner there were a few fish back in a small cul-de-sac so I turned in to play. I crept to 30 feet of one fish when it disappeared. It didn't spook but had dropped below the surface for a minute, so I waited ready to cast. Suddenly the fish showed up beside the kayak, passing towards the nose. As the fish passed my dangling bait, I gave it a small movement and the fish ate it right off the rod tip, spraying water all over me and the boat. This one was released too, and I resumed the slog towards the truck. By ten in the morning I had caught ten reds to add to the trout from early in the morning, and I had no complaints. I rushed home to clean up and by noon I was in the office working the second half of the day.
Kayak Kid
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Re: Exploring Pays Off

Post by Kayak Kid »

I understood all that you had to say about the fishing, including the terminology you included.

But, what is this "working" thing that you mentioned?

Thanks for sharing that great kayak fishing adventure. Most appreciated.
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