Third Coast Tourney

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Third Coast Tourney

Post by Redfish529 »

Just want to give a heads up to everyone. The 1st leg of the 3rd Coast Kayak Series is Feb 28 in Riveria. It is a good time with good people. I fished every stop last year and had a blast. Payouts for the top 3 stingers, top 3 reds and top 3 trout. Plus the much contested smallest red and trout category. If you were ever intrested in trying a tournement out it doesnt get more laid back than this one. Most everyone is willing to share their knowledge and help out each other. Differant winner at each event last year. I hear ACK has a team! Shoot me a PM if you are going like to meet the Austin anglers.

Speaking of I think a Rudy's lunch is overdue.
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