November LMFFCC meeting

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November LMFFCC meeting

Post by Redfish911 »

The November meeting of the Laguna Madre Fly Fishers of Corpus Christi will be held on Thursday, November 11th, at Nolan’s Poor Boy Restaurant at 7 pm. The address is 2330 Airline Road at Cimarron. We have a separate meeting room reserved for us off of the main dining area.

Our featured speaker for the month is Harvey Lashinski. Harvey is a retired chef, restaurateur and avid fly reel collector. Harvey is a member of an antique fly reel association and has collected a large number of antique fly reels over the years, some dating back to the Civil War. Harvey will bring a selection of assorted reels for our viewing. If you want to see how they did it “old school” here’s your chance.

This month we nominate new officers with the vote at the December meeting.

No fly tying round table this month. Our regular meeting night falls on Thanksgiving.
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