Tying in the heat

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Tying in the heat

Post by bones72 »

Been getting some tying in during this heat wave. Use to heat here in Texas but 106 plus an additional few degrees of heat index factored in has me hunkered down in the AC. I have done up some redfish flies based on the Candy Corn Crawler by Backwater Flies in colors they do not offer. Based my color choices on what I have seen and read many conventional tackle guys use along the coast and what has been effective for me around here for bass. Planning on doing some in more subdued shrimp/baitfish colors.
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Of course I have been doing a mess of clousers too. Can never have too many even though the white bass runs are close to 7 months away. I often wonder how they would work with a slab and jig rig during the summer.

I also have a question. Does anyone have a good pattern for the glass minnow? Been going over a couple ideas in my head but haven't reached any conclusions that seem good yet.
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