toqueedo throttle

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toqueedo throttle

Post by motoyak »

I got gifted an old 403 Torqueedo. Battery seems to have charge, putting out 32.2volts measured at the terminals inside the case. Problem is, the throttle control won't turn on. Ive done the obvious, cleaned all connections, checked for breaks, visual on all SS boards.
Anybody here with a Torqueedo have any suggestions before it goes in the trash?
Cant see $300 for a new throttle which may or may not be the issue and this is 2014 technology. Torqueedo service is a joke....send it in LOL
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Re: toqueedo throttle

Post by motoyak »

Never mind, took motor apart to determine type and condition. Its toast, water got inside, mystery solved.
Not all is lost, the mounting system can be reused as the shaft diameter is nearly the same as a MK so thats a plus :dance:
BTW-I highly recommend NOT to buy Torqueedo 403 line of add on drives based on the price and the quality of the build (the motor housing is plastic, the seals are wimpy, held together by some 1.5 mm screws) MUCH better and cheaper options out there.
Proprietary OEM only stuff caps my "no bueno" opinion.
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