I got a couple of 5 1/2X 20" boat fenders, 10' of 1" pvc, some fittings and waalaa! I can even turn the stabilzers over if I feel the need to.
Its not flip proof, but the yak is more stabile and no noticible drag.
that is the cleverest redneck engineering on a speck I have ever seen! How in the world did you get a boat seat on that thing?!!?! BTB the pontoons are cool too
JavelinaRuss wrote:that is the cleverest redneck engineering on a speck I have ever seen! How in the world did you get a boat seat on that thing?!!?! BTB the pontoons are cool too
I made a seat pedestal out of scrap wood and started tieing until the seat stayed put.
JavelinaRuss wrote:that is the cleverest redneck engineering on a speck I have ever seen! How in the world did you get a boat seat on that thing?!!?! BTB the pontoons are cool too
I thought redneck engineering as a rule involved bailing wire and duck (yes I know, duct) tape. Bob's wire can be used in extreme emergencies if using it won't let someone's critters get loose.
Its a 3 foot sculling paddle. also handy for when im about to side swipe a stump. If you have ever been wind blown into a sub-surface stump, ya know what I mean.
The yak is a dry, comfortable and more stabile ride. Heck even the fish seem to like it. LMAO!!!
Well with all the alligators around most of the fish just jumped in the yak. hehahehaheha!!!!
Really, it was good day for me. I usually only catch 2 or 3 if any at all.
oh and it was hurricane creek on the LOP. not the greatest fishin spot, but close to my house.