*****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, AUG 16th, WEDNESDAY, 2023 (((((NEW UPDATES)))))*****

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*****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, AUG 16th, WEDNESDAY, 2023 (((((NEW UPDATES)))))*****

Post by Yakety_Yak »

[UPDATED 8-14-23] This Wednesday is a “GO” for BTB. I’ll see y’all then. Tight lines!

[UPDATED 8-13-23] I'm finally back from Panama (Los Buzos) and ready to hit the Texas state waters. I was looking at conditions this morning while in Panama and then this evening back in Texas. There looks to be a window on Wednesday. Let's see how the conditions will hold tomorrow (Monday) and I will make another report to see if everything is still a go. I know it's the middle of the week but Mother Nature is in control. Also, the offshore fishing starts to taper down after August so we will need to get this trip in at the first available chance. More details to follow tomorrow.

[UPDATED 8-3-23] The surf is looking at 2 - 3 ft for the next five days. Last weekend would have been the perfect weekend to go offshore but the weatherman got the conditions wrong. I will continue to keep an eye out for things.

On another note, from Aug 5th to the 13th I will be out of the country. I will not be doing any updates for this outing until I make it back. Needless to say, I will not be running the outing during the dates I just mentioned. I will make my next update on Sunday, Aug 13th. If you see a window to go out, please be sure to go out in a group and with some anglers that know what they are doing. Y’all catch a lot of fish while im gone and tight lines!

Hello to all my fellow kayaking friends. Just like last summer, 2022, I wanted to do something for this summer 2023 in regards to BTB kayak fishing for new people (of course intermediate and advanced kayakers are welcome). Several years ago, I put together a BTB trip for anyone that wanted to get out to do BTB at Surfside, this included kayakers of all levels. It was awesome! We had a total of 34 kayakers that made it out that day. Many just went to the buoys while others went to the 5-mile rig. It was really cool to see that many yaks out on the water. Some of the people that fished off of the jettys at Surfside thought that there was a kayak tournament going on with that many kayaks launching, lol. The following year I ran another one of these outings except it was run out of Corpus Christi instead of Surfside. We had many more show up than the previous year. This trip was a huge success! I believe all the new kayakers caught kings that day and I would say around 70% of the new kayakers limited out on kings. On top of it all, even some of the new kayakers caught cobia. What an amazing day on the water it was!! As each year has gone by, this outing has become larger and larger. This has turned out to be a great way for new kayakers to learn how to go BTB and hopefully to catch some fish while out there on the water.

Since Corpus Christi was such a huge success in years past, I’m going to continue to do it at Corpus Christi again out at the Bob Hall Pier beachline. The way it works is we all meet just south of Ball Hall Pier on the beach and make our way on out to the rig to try our luck at smacks, kings, and anything else that we can get into. If you are new to BTB, this would be a great trip to try out. The rig is not far offshore (give or take a mile) and there will be plenty of support out on the water with all the kayakers that will be fishing with us. This is not a tournament or an event (This is merely an open invite to anyone that wants to attend.). It's just a way to get all levels of kayakers out on the water and to have fun hanging out while fishing.

The game plan is for everyone to meet just south of Bob Hall Pier on the beach at 5:00am Saturday, July 15th (If you are new, you may want to arrive earlier so that you have plenty of time to prepare.). There will be a short meeting before we launch to answer any questions by anyone (around 6:30am). There will be plenty of experienced kayakers there that can answer anything as well. After the meeting, we will launch approximately around 7:00am.

The exact location we will meet at and where quite a few will be camping at is as such. Once you get to where Bob Hall Pier used to be (Hurricane Hannah tore up the pier a few years back so the city took it down last year), go south on to the beach. Once on the beach, continue for a brief moment until you see Access Rd 6 on the right (you can see this access road on Google Maps). We used to camp out about 100 to 200 yards past Access Rd 6 on the left (beach side). If there is new sand out there making it difficult for 2wd vehicles to get through and the tides have been coming up fairly high making it tough to camp on the beach side, what we will do then is we will be camping on the right up along the dune side right after you pass Access Rd 6.

*****In regards to a backup date, here is how that works (NEW). If the intended date to fish is not possible, then I will move the outing forward each day until I find a date that is good to go out BTB. Hopefully the conditions and weather will be good and we can all get out on July 15th. If interested, post your name on here and I will add you to the list.*****


01. Blake Colburn (Yakety_Yak)
02. Adrian (Austin)
03. Dan Wiggins (Flying Fish TV)
04. Bryce
05. Darwin S. Ramos
06. Fernando Wolfe
07. Doug Bailey
08. David Villarreal
09. Dustin Galla
10. Jason
11. Jeff Echols (jeffechols)
12. Jesse Chapa
13. Daniel
14. Brett
15. Don C. Puckett
16. Jerry Krabe (SWFinatic)
17. Ben Watson (Volkswatson)
18. Jace
19. Juan-Carlos
20. Doug Bailey
21. Steve Colburn
22. Mark Alcala
23. Leo
24. Loc Pham
25. Marvin Monk
26. Lino T. Arocha (LTA)
27. Marcos Medina
28. Bill Brumley (Killerbee)
29. Randy Gill
30. Robert Adcock
31. Paco Campos
32. Ryan Woods
33. Nathan Giles (Stubblefield)
34. Shawn Faris (5x5)
35. Philip Schmitz
36. Tuan Nguyen (texastuan)
37. Tayton Boyd (OldTownTater)
38. Jonathan Getz
39. Sam Torres
40. Ricky Givens
41. Dave Schafer (deptrai)
42. John Hall
43. Sean Hall
44. (Bayou Boy)
45. Doug Bailey (DougBailey)
46. Doug Bailey’s friend
47. Michael Watson (mwatson71)
48. Michael Watson (mwatson71)
49. Alex Kinion
50. Kyle Lusson (KLusson)
51. Alex Kinion
52. Eric Thompson
53. Matthew Davis (rattlesnake68)
54. savoltage
55. JakeFortenberry
56. Neal Haygood
57. Joe Trevino (Osojet1)
58. Ron White (TX-Kayaker)
59. Dave (deptrai)
60. Michael House (mhouse)
61. Chris Russey
62. Joshua Johnson
63. Jeremiah McNiel (jeremy0826)
64. Justin-Kesteloot
65. (Poncoloco)
66. (FishinOnCredit)
67. Greg (GregO0722)
68. Greg's son
69. Marco Lai (xmatador2000)
70. Daniel Aguilar (doWawee)
71. Earl Medina
72. Merriel Solesky
73. Justin Burr
74. (Headhunter1)
75. (Jlm1975)
76. (Freeliner)
77. Judy (Mrs Freeliner)
78. (KapaldoaFishing)
79. (EarlM)
80. Damian
81. (DamianZ)

So far we have 81 kayaker going. These are people that are going or are a maybe. Who else wants to go? Post up on this thread and I will be happy to add you to the list.

The address to Bob Hall Pier is.....
15820 Park Rd 22
Corpus Christi, TX 78418
(361) 949-0499

PS: As it gets closer to the date, I will make a post on here a few days before (lunchtime of Thursday, July 13th) to let everyone know if conditions/weather is good or not so that nobody makes a trip for nothing. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE CHECKING THE THREAD FOR UPDATES AS IT GETS CLOSER SO THAT YOU KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON. SOMETIMES IT COULD COME DOWN TO THE FINAL DAY BEFORE THE OUTING BEFORE THINGS COULD CHANGE. THIS HAS HAPPENED A FEW TIMES. If things look debatable, I will postpone the outing to be on the safe side.

If you are new to BTB and this is your first trip out or if you have gone out but not very much and are still fairly new to BTB, please read. There are a few things you may need to know before hitting the water. First and foremost, please make sure you have your PFD on you at all times. The law states that you must have a PFD on the vessel at all times with you if you are 17 years of age and older (if under 17, you are required to have it on at all times). If you flip over and the PFD is not on your body, what good is it doing you? It would be worth your time to buy a good quality PFD and not the $9.99 version at Academy.

Another thing I would recommend investing into is a quality VHF radio. There are so many reasons as to why you should have a radio on you when you are on the water BTB kayak fishing of which I will talk about a little lower on this thread as you keep reading. If you need to figure out a good radio to purchase, please feel free to call me (832-588-7091) and definitely keep reading as I will explain a few things on a quality VHF radio to buy. If you do not have a radio, of which I hope everyone does, stay with a group of people while on the water that does have a radio. Safety is in numbers and the more people you can be fishing close to, the better.

Just a few items that people mentioned that were new to BTB in years past that said they needed to get the most but they didn’t already have were (in no particular order but I would hope the radio was at the top, lol) 1) radio 2) gaff 3) fish bag.

When we arrive in the morning a few ground rules will be covered in the meeting before we launch to make sure all the new people are on the same page. For the intermediate and advanced fishermen, you guys are good to go but while we are explaining things if there is anything left out, please feel free to chime in. I also would like to say that when you show up to fish, please make sure you have enough tackle. There is nothing worse than showing up and not having the correct tackle or hardly any tackle and asking everyone to borrow their stuff. It's one thing if you need a swivel but to borrow someone's $20 Waxwing lure, only to have a break-off and lose it, that's not good. Unless you plan on paying for that lure, it's better to show up with your own tackle. If you are not sure what to show up with, please ask on this thread. I can tell you for sure to make or buy king fish leaders (the key bait for kings is ribbon fish or even live bait). If you want to make king fish leaders, check out Prof. Salt's YouTube channel (click on the link I have provided). He has a video in there that explains how to make king fish leaders and it’s really good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t82a8- ... xA&index=4

If you do camp on the beach, make sure you purchase a beach pass which can be purchased at any Stripes Gas Station. From what I have been told, if you camp on the beach past Access Road 6, no beach pass is necessary (I will be getting a beach pass just in case). I know I will be back again quite a few times and I will get my money’s worth out of it. The beach pass is $12.00 which is good for the entire year. Hopefully we can all get out there, have a great time, and catch some fish!

If you would like to read up on the reports from a few years ago, here are the links: https://tinyurl.com/mrd4aj4v

For those of you that have any questions, please feel free to post on this thread, PM me on TKF, or give me a call. 832-588-7091

Also...... Always call before going up to see if the bait shops have ribbon fish. Some suggestions for bait shops that carry ribbon fish are:

Billings Bait Stand
13428 S. Padre Island Dr.
Corpus Christi, TX 78418

Roy’s Bait & Tackle Outfitters
7613 S. Padre Island Dr.
Corpus Christi, TX 78412

Red Dot Pier
11801 S. Padre Island Dr.
Corpus Christi, TX 78418

Fisherman's Bait & Seafood
1101 Laguna Shores Rd.
Corpus Christi, TX 78418

For those of you that are looking at buying a VHF radio and are not sure what to get, here are a few things to consider....

Many people try to buy the Cobra or Midland VHF radios and many times, not always, it's because of the low price. The Cobra and Midland brand is commonly sold at Academy. That is how I find that many find out about these radios. There are other cheap brands out there, not just Cobra. The problem is that you get what you pay for many times with these brands. Because of the lower price, you sacrifice something for the cheaper brands out there. I have explained in the past the five things to look for in a quality VHF radio but I have now found a sixth thing. Here are the six things you should look for in purchasing a quality VHF radio:

1) floats
2) water proof
3) it should have NOAA weather radio
4) at least a 5-mile radius
5) good battery life (if you are going to be on the water all day, make sure your battery will last)
6) Make sure your radio has a channel 16 emergency button so that you can reach coast guard immediately and not just have to thumb through many channels to get there.

The sixth item is the newest I have added to the list. The reason for this is that a common station that many are allowed to be on are the upper channels. Us kayakers choose channel 69 many times. Even though we use the radio for fishing talk, it's important to remember that this radio's primary purpose is for emergencies. What happens if you are on channel 69 and there is an emergency. On a cheaper radio, you will have to push through all the stations to get from channel 69 to channel 16 (channel 16 is the coast guard station). That is a lot of channels to thumb through. My radio has a button that has "9/16" on it (this is a common feature on some radios). Once I hit this button, it immediately takes me to where I need to be without going through other less important channels.

Another thing that is not necessarily needed but is a nice feature, is a channel lock feature. I'm almost definite this lock feature I am about to talk about will be the seventh thing on the list before long. On my radio, there is a button that has a key pic on the top of the button. Once I hold this down for a few seconds, it locks all of my keys. To reverse the process, repeat the same thing and it will disengage this feature. If the feature is active, a small pic of a key will present itself on the electronic screen. Once disabled, the key pic goes away. This feature is useful because as kayakers, we are limited in space. Constantly you will find that your radio buttons will get pressed somehow during the day taking you off of the channel you are trying to be on. If you are fishing with friends and you don't hear them the entire time, you will think their radio is off or has gone down. In reality, your radio channel is on the wrong station. Also, when you are talking to the coast guard, you will want to make sure you stay on the designated channel and not accidentally get switched.

Some of the brands that many use on the water that are considered reliable are (in no particular order):

1) Standard Horizon
3) Uniden

I personally roll with the Standard Horizon HX300. For the value of this radio, it's hard to beat the quality and price. All of these radio brands are good that I just listed. If you search on the internet, sometimes you will find that there are mail-in rebates. My radio had at one time a $20.00 mail-in rebate. The average going price on the Standard Horizon HX300 is around $125.00. That is a great price for a quality VHF radio. I have heard people talk about the HX290. It has everything the HX300 has except one thing. The HX300 has a longer battery life. For a few bucks more, I am more than happy to buy the HX300 to have a longer battery life. If you find that you are the kind of person that is only going to be on the water for about half a day, then I could see buying the HX290.

One last thing I would like to mention. Sometimes I like to use TV's in relation to VHF radios. I consider buying a Cobra or Midland in relation to RCA. Buying one of the better brands is like buying a Toshiba. By buying a RCA, is that what your life is worth? We take a VHF radio for granted because we hit the water never suspecting anything will ever happen to us. If that time ever comes when you need a radio and you bought an RCA, I can only pray that it works for you. I know my Toshiba will as it has on a few occasions that I have needed it.

If you are looking at fish bags and are not sure what to get, here is a fantastic option. This bag is durable, it holds ice for extended periods of time, and is half the price of most other bags.....

https://www.delawarepaddlesports.com/de ... bag-large/

I want to let you guys know of something I have been looking at for a while and pulled the trigger on it quite a few seasons ago. Ever since then, I have been completely happy with it. What I am referring to is a particular fish bag. I have owned two fish bags before this current one I now own. Both bags are the Native fish bag. Both bags are now in the garbage as they don't hold up very well for very long. I remember when I got both Native fish bags, they were both damaged after the first trip on the water. Each time I placed a fish in the bag, the fish would cut up the interior of the bag. Furthermore, the zipper would eventually rust. These bags are $150.00 each at the time. I don't know what they are worth now but I do know to buy a quality bag it runs around $150 - $200 (sometimes more). The pricing on these things is just absolutely ridiculous!

One day at one of my BHP outings, I met this guy that had a fish bag that I had never seen before on his Native Slayer Propel (thanks Angel for the info on this bag). I inquired about it. After that trip, I immediately went home and found the bag online. After a little research, I purchased it. I have not been disappointed with this bag yet. Some of the points of this bag are:

1) The inside of the bag is much more durable than the Native bag and will still insulate your ice
2) The exterior of the bag is durable as well
3) There are two zippers instead of one (just in case, I always put a coat of WD-40 on the zippers to keep them lubricated)
4) The price is absolutely awesome! (I'll explain below)
5) The bag is larger than most bags

The cost of this bag is $125.00 and there is a discount when you enter "TKF" as a coupon code for the free shipping. There is no tax as Delaware is a tax free state. Either way you look at it, the bag is still going to be cheaper than most other bags (don’t forget that the quality is excellent as well).

One last thing on this bag. There is a place you can put carabiners on to secure the bag to the yak (I have pad eyes on my yak to secure the carabiner to it from the bag). There are plenty of options to choose from. Just to give you an idea of how big this bag is, I have had three king mackerel and four red snapper in this bag and it has held up. That is a lot of fish! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask or you can call me. 832-588-7091

In addition to the pics on Delaware Paddlesports web page, here are some others pics of the bag on kayaks:




If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me by posting on this thread, PM me, or call/text me. 832-588-7091 Tight lines!!
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by texastuan »

Let's go! Please add me
Tuan Nguyen (texastuan)
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by deptrai »

I'm in.
Dave Schafer
John Hall
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by John Hall »

John Hall
Sean Hall
Planning to go
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by Bayou Boy »

Count me in. I'm also planning on going btb in Matagorda sometime in April. It will be a much smaller group but hopefully still a big one
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by DougBailey »

Count me in for sure, possibly 1 more with me
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by mwatson71 »

7/15 is my wife’s birthday so I may be out. Or maybe I make a trip to Corpus her birthday present. 🎣🎣🎣
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by Yakety_Yak »

texastuan wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 7:02 am Let's go! Please add me
Tuan Nguyen (texastuan)
Got ya added. 👍
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by Yakety_Yak »

deptrai wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 10:52 am I'm in.
Dave Schafer
Welcome and cya on July 15th.
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by Yakety_Yak »

John Hall wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 10:37 pm John Hall
Sean Hall
Planning to go
Glad to see you guys joining in. Cya on the water this summer.
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by Yakety_Yak »

Bayou Boy wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 11:25 pm Count me in. I'm also planning on going btb in Matagorda sometime in April. It will be a much smaller group but hopefully still a big one
There is not much going on offshore in April unless it starts to warm up earlier. If that happens, you may find the jacks and smacks.
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by Yakety_Yak »

DougBailey wrote: Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:10 am Count me in for sure, possibly 1 more with me
Sounds good, will do.
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by Yakety_Yak »

mwatson71 wrote: Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:40 pm 7/15 is my wife’s birthday so I may be out. Or maybe I make a trip to Corpus her birthday present. 🎣🎣🎣
I’ll put you as a maybe.
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by savoltage »

Missed it last year with the reschedules.

This year IM IN! Lets go!
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by JakeFortenberry »

I want to go
John Hall
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by John Hall »

Blake aka yakkity Yak,

I started a text message with you re: Neal Haygood who want to join, also sent him how to get here and create an account
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by Osojet1 »

I want in joe trevino (osojet1)
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by TX-Kayaker »

Hey Blake, count me in.

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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by deptrai »

I’ve never seen a Ribbon Fish. If all call the four tackle shops mentioned a day or two beforehand, would they pre-sell them to me and I pick up Friday night/Saturday morning? Are they open 24 hours? How many do I need? Are they sold by the each, dozen, scoop, pound? Can I buy these somewhere near Freeport a week or two earlier and keep them in my freezer?

What VHF channel is used? If I can find it in one of my moving boxes, I’ll bring my spare VHF in case someone doesn’t have one or forgets theirs.

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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by mhouse »

Michael House and Chris Russey are in!
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by SWFinatic »

deptrai wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 1:04 pm I’ve never seen a Ribbon Fish. If all call the four tackle shops mentioned a day or two beforehand, would they pre-sell them to me and I pick up Friday night/Saturday morning? Are they open 24 hours? How many do I need? Are they sold by the each, dozen, scoop, pound? Can I buy these somewhere near Freeport a week or two earlier and keep them in my freezer?

What VHF channel is used? If I can find it in one of my moving boxes, I’ll bring my spare VHF in case someone doesn’t have one or forgets theirs.

Dave no sir bait shops won’t pre-sell any bait. You have to be there to buy. I would check into bait shops in your area and try and buy some before the trip. Yes you can freeze them and they will still work fine as long as they are thawed by the time you need to fish with them. They are sold by the dozen. Not sure what they are running price wise this year but a dozen should be enough especially if you plan on pulling a lure too.

As far as the channel used Blake will probably cover this before the trip.
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by Yakety_Yak »

I've added everyone that has posted since my last posting on this thread. My apologies on not being as up to speed on things on here as I've been working quite a bit. For those of you that are seeing this post and are interested, post up. Rest assured that I will get to adding names soon. For those that have any questions, you can post on here. There will be plenty that can chime in. If you don't get the answer you are looking for, feel free to give me a call. 832-588-7091
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by Poncoloco »

Count me in!! Poncoloco
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by FishinOnCredit »

I've done BTB but never for kings...count me in! FishinOnCredit
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Re: *****BOB HALL PIER - BTB, JULY 15th, SATURDAY, 2023*****

Post by Kalait »

I want to go however, I have several medical procedures which require some time down this summer. All able to go out have fun, keep some tight lines and be safe.
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