cast net some mullet and paddled into the bay..caught a few ladyfish in the same spot we fished yesterday, then went swimming in the shallows, after cooling off we got a few more mullet and headed to an spot i call AREA daughter got a pretty 18inch red drum..after that we swam a little more and headed home
I want your life. The past 2 days I've been working while you fish with the kiddo. Nice job on the red, your daughter is going to have a true love of our sport that will be with her a life time.
Watching kids having so much fun fishing with dad really makes my day! Thanks for posting this, I smiled the whole time! My youngest daughter is 8 and is always ready to fish! I just hope I can keep her going when she's a teenager.
No kidding they do grow up fast my daughter just left for college 3 weeks ago and she's been my fishing partner for a long time . Enjoy what time you spend with her time is something you can never get back .