My wife's breast Cancer

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Doc S
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My wife's breast Cancer

Post by Doc S »

Hi all,

Mine and my wife's family and friends are walking for Breast Cancer (American Cancer Society) this Saturday 10/20/12, in Corpus Christi, TX. If any of you are there, please join us. Our team is called the "Cancer scrappers".

Sallie and I learned that she had breast cancer in April of this year.
She went in for a routine mammogram. They called her and asked if she could do another, because they saw a "shadow". While in the office, they asked her to do an ultrasound, then finally a Needle Biopsy.

We learned they had indeed identified a cancerous tumor and they recommended she had surgery very quickly.

We saw a recommended general surgion who did another ultrasound and identified the same tumor, but saw a few other areas of concern.

We made the difficult decision that she would have a double mastectomy, followed up with reconstruction.

In June, Sallie underwent the surgery. Prior to the surgery, they only detected one positive cancerous tumor.
By the time of the surgery, she had five small tumors and some lymphnode involvement (meaning it could have spread to other areas of her body).
After most of her incisions had healed a bit, we re-visited her Breast Oncologist.

The Oncologist said that Sallie would have to undergo a high dose/combination of Chemotherapy.
They would have dibilitating side effects and if all went well, she would be a survivor!

After the 1st treatment, she lost her hair and had lots of nausea.
She was weak and mostly stayed in bed. This has gone on since about early July and continues to today.
Her skin is thin, her hands and feet hurt and everything tastes like metal to her. She's become a shadow of the woman she was, but I'm greatful to still have her with me.
She's had to quit her job and spends her full time recovering from her treatments. She's a strong woman!

Her last Chemo appointment November 3rd and will start Radiation Therapy.
She'll have treatments Monday - Friday for about 6 weeks.
There will be side effects, but we're hoping not anywhere near as bad as the Chemo.

I'm not sharing this you so you'll feel bad for Sallie or my family.
I'm sharing this with you, so you'll tell your female friends and loved ones to check themselves (yes, you can help ) and get a mammogram!

At the beginning, I mentioned that we're walking for the American Cancer Society.

Would you consider donating for a cure.
There is no minimal amount and anything would be greatly appreciated. Yup, you can donate a dollar...

Click the link below and you'll be taken to Sallie and my specific page.
You can see a few pictures of us there (I shaved my hair when she lost hers) and donate. ... r_id=47467" onclick=";return false;

God Bless,
Doc S & Sallie
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Re: My wife's breast Cancer

Post by Bigrock »

Hey CC, WAKE UP early and go walk with Doc on Saturday!!!

Walk the soles off your shoes Doc! :clap:
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Doc S
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Re: My wife's breast Cancer

Post by Doc S »

Hi all,

In all, our team was able to raise about $1,900.00 for the American Cancer Society (AMC)!

It was great to get out there with our family and friends (and many other good folks as well).

Sallie asked me to tell everyone thanks for your support and donations!
Again, the donations went directly to the AMC, not a penny went to us.

I convinced her to let me push her in a wheelchair. She was planning on sitting at the finishline and waiting for us there...


She walked across the starting line and beyond for about 1/4 mile. Her legs were hurting her, so I almost had to make her sit

I pushed her the rest of the way and stopped just short of the finish line, so she could walk across


Here's a picture of our team. It's made up of friends and family in the Corpus Christi area.

God Bless you all!

Rudy & Sallie (Doc S)
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