Fished Indian Point Breakwaters Today.

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Fished Indian Point Breakwaters Today.

Post by TexasJim »

Indian Point is on the South side of the Corpus/Portland Causeway, across Hwy 181 from Porno Flats and the Fish Habitat. There's a pier run by the City of Portland. Starting on the NorthEast side of the pier is 1/2 mile of rock breakwater , with about six gaps. When the tide is running, water flows through those gaps and predator fish hang out there to feed. The normal SE wind causes big waves to crash onto the breakwaters, as the depth on the Bay side is one to three feet. Behind the breakwater, the lagoon depth is ankle to knee deep.
Back in the Spring, not too long after the freeze, Tombo's fishing buddy, Justin Coughlin, fished there and caught a 30" Speck! He does Youtube videos under the name Clean Fun Fishing. His videos are well worth watching. Anyway, today the wind was SE, but only about 7 knots, so I went there before sunup to fish it. There's not really a kayak launch at the pier, so I launched from the Hwy 181 turnaround underpass. It was about 1/4 mile to the pier, and by laying my rods down, I was able to go under the pier to shorten the paddle. I launched at 7 AM, and had a 16" and an 18-1/2" trout on the stringer, by 7:45, using a 6th Sense wake bait. By 8 AM, the artificial bite had quit, and I threw some frozen HEB shrimp, and caught about 6 short black drum. Nothing else. I was fishing just outside the guts.
About 9 AM, the wind and waves laid down, and I could paddle through a couple of guts, but it was really shallow. A guy was wade flyfishing, and he wasn't shin deep. Seemed to be lots of fish back there, but I didn't want to walk to them. It also began to get very warm without the wind, so I bagged it and paddled to the truck.,
Those breakwaters are a good place to fish when there's a strong North wind, as they're in the lee of the Causeway.
I'll try it after the first Norther. Today was a good day, except for having to get up before 6AM! TexasJim
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Ron Mc
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Re: Fished Indian Point Breakwaters Today.

Post by Ron Mc »

thanks for the report - I tried that spot with kayak and fly rod literally a decade ago.
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Re: Fished Indian Point Breakwaters Today.

Post by Cityfisher »

Nice! I had a friend that retired with his wife in a travel trailer at the park on the north side of Nueces Bay. I went to visit him a few times and we got to wake up and walk down to the water to fish. Really nice area. I always envied him of that place! He has since picked up and decided to live in Colorado for a while now. But as we drove around he showed me of that area of which you speak. Looks like a lot of potential.
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