9/26/22 Bob Hall pier far rigs trip report

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9/26/22 Bob Hall pier far rigs trip report

Post by FlyingFishTV »

I woke up at 1:15 am to make the drive from San Antonio to the Bob hall pier area by 4am. The wind and surf were non existent when I was setting up. Luckily I had remembered some bug spray to keep the mosquitos off me. With my hobie outback all set up I grabbed my cast net. I had been practicing in my back yard and got 6 big 11” mullet on my first throw. After launching at 4:50 and clearing the “surf” I started up my livewell and dumped the mullet in wondering if they would even survive. I pedaled the 5 miles out to the rigs with a slight tail wind making it there about 15 minutes before sunrise. My first target were some horn bellies, but moon fish and huge blue runners tore up my damashi. I stuck one of the blue runners on and started jigging. I noticed some surface activity and threw my 40g blue and glow speed jig at it. Few jigs in and I had my PB Spanish mackerel on the deck. A few minutes after that I jigged up a gigantic blue runner at 18”s. Not wanting to waste the bite time I slow trolled the first blue runner to the far left rig and back with no action. Back at the middle rig I started jigging again and picked up two Bonita with the same blue jig. I’m not sure how common they are in Texas? I was using my 7ft Shimano trevala PX light action jigging rod and everything I caught on it was a serious fight and a ton of fun! In the commotion of catching the Bonita’s something stole my blue runner. It was around this time that wind picked up to 15 mph I was thinking this is still okay on the outback. In next 20 minutes the wind really picked up and started blowing 20-25 mph out of the east. The wind waves grew and soon there were 2-3ft breaking waves all over the place, definitely not 2019 hobie outback conditions. I didn’t want to stick around in case the conditions got any worse so I started trolling a live horn belly and a blue runner towards the first rig. Waves were occasionally breaking over my kayak bringing up the pucker factor. After closing over half the distance to the rig I had thought the action was over. Out of no where the blue runner got smoked in one of the best runs I have ever had. It screamed off 160 yards of line and I was starting to think I might get spooled. I have 150 yards of 40lb green power pro to 150 yards of 20lb yellow power pro on this Shimano thunnus 8000. When it hit the yellow I went into a careful chase mode. The waves were rough and braking all around me, but the king came in easily after that impressive run. I was sure glad to see that 40” king as it made the drive even more worth it. Once making it to the closest rig to shore I caught two more Bonita casting my vertical jig. The conditions hadn’t calmed any so I started back towards shore. On the way I got one hit on the halco, but lost it. 2.5 hours later I was back at 30ft of water. I had trolled a live mullet all the way back with no action as well. I went to put out another mullet when I heard a splash. I looked up and there was a king chasing a mullet on the surface. The king did a little jump coming about a foot out of the water. Then I was thinking I better get my mullet ready for a strike, but I had already been cut off. That was more than likely my mullet getting blasted out of the water lol. Not much action after that other than a bunch of catfish on the nomad swim vibe. They freaking love it for some reason. At 4 pm and after 12 miles I called it quits, packed up and drove back up to San Antonio. Water temps were 83.3 at the rigs and 85 near the beach. I drove the beach to have the shortest distance to the rigs.
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Re: 9/26/22 Bob Hall pier far rigs trip report

Post by SWFinatic »

Thanks for the report and welcome to the forum and Texas! I've been watching your videos for years.
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Re: 9/26/22 Bob Hall pier far rigs trip report

Post by Killerbee »

FlyingFishTV wrote:I woke up at 1:15 am to make the drive from San Antonio to the Bob hall pier area by 4am. The wind and surf were non existent when I was setting up. Luckily I had remembered some bug spray to keep the mosquitos off me. With my hobie outback all set up I grabbed my cast net. I had been practicing in my back yard and got 6 big 11” mullet on my first throw. After launching at 4:50 and clearing the “surf” I started up my livewell and dumped the mullet in wondering if they would even survive. I pedaled the 5 miles out to the rigs with a slight tail wind making it there about 15 minutes before sunrise. My first target were some horn bellies, but moon fish and huge blue runners tore up my damashi. I stuck one of the blue runners on and started jigging. I noticed some surface activity and threw my 40g blue and glow speed jig at it. Few jigs in and I had my PB Spanish mackerel on the deck. A few minutes after that I jigged up a gigantic blue runner at 18”s. Not wanting to waste the bite time I slow trolled the first blue runner to the far left rig and back with no action. Back at the middle rig I started jigging again and picked up two Bonita with the same blue jig. I’m not sure how common they are in Texas? I was using my 7ft Shimano trevala PX light action jigging rod and everything I caught on it was a serious fight and a ton of fun! In the commotion of catching the Bonita’s something stole my blue runner. It was around this time that wind picked up to 15 mph I was thinking this is still okay on the outback. In next 20 minutes the wind really picked up and started blowing 20-25 mph out of the east. The wind waves grew and soon there were 2-3ft breaking waves all over the place, definitely not 2019 hobie outback conditions. I didn’t want to stick around in case the conditions got any worse so I started trolling a live horn belly and a blue runner towards the first rig. Waves were occasionally breaking over my kayak bringing up the pucker factor. After closing over half the distance to the rig I had thought the action was over. Out of no where the blue runner got smoked in one of the best runs I have ever had. It screamed off 160 yards of line and I was starting to think I might get spooled. I have 150 yards of 40lb green power pro to 150 yards of 20lb yellow power pro on this Shimano thunnus 8000. When it hit the yellow I went into a careful chase mode. The waves were rough and braking all around me, but the king came in easily after that impressive run. I was sure glad to see that 40” king as it made the drive even more worth it. Once making it to the closest rig to shore I caught two more Bonita casting my vertical jig. The conditions hadn’t calmed any so I started back towards shore. On the way I got one hit on the halco, but lost it. 2.5 hours later I was back at 30ft of water. I had trolled a live mullet all the way back with no action as well. I went to put out another mullet when I heard a splash. I looked up and there was a king chasing a mullet on the surface. The king did a little jump coming about a foot out of the water. Then I was thinking I better get my mullet ready for a strike, but I had already been cut off. That was more than likely my mullet getting blasted out of the water lol. Not much action after that other than a bunch of catfish on the nomad swim vibe. They freaking love it for some reason. At 4 pm and after 12 miles I called it quits, packed up and drove back up to San Antonio. Water temps were 83.3 at the rigs and 85 near the beach. I drove the beach to have the shortest distance to the rigs.
Excellent write up Dan! I feel like I was right there fishing with you!Cant wait to see the video man. I need to hit those rigs with you, it would be a first for me! Thanks brother and welcome to TKF.

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Re: 9/26/22 Bob Hall pier far rigs trip report

Post by mwatson71 »

Thanks for the great report and I look forward to reading many more.
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Re: 9/26/22 Bob Hall pier far rigs trip report

Post by niswanger »

Great report! Props for your solo run out to those 5 mile rigs. I have no doubt Hawaii standard surface conditions help you a lot here in TX when the winds do pick up. Maybe someday we'll connect out there.
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Re: 9/26/22 Bob Hall pier far rigs trip report

Post by Yakety_Yak »

Thanks for the report and welcome to the forum! :)
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Re: 9/26/22 Bob Hall pier far rigs trip report

Post by Prof. Salt »

Thanks for the report and welcome to Texas. Our fishing is usually really hot this time of year, but things have been a bit strange lately. You found some good fish, so I'm encouraged and may make another trip or two offshore seeing that there are a few fish around.
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