$10 Tarpon 140

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$10 Tarpon 140

Post by bcompton103 »

So, I've been bragging about this to everyone because I'm still super pumped about it. About two weeks ago, I came across a FB Marketplace ad listing a Tarpon 140 for $10. The ad stated it had damage but the pics did not show the extent of the damage. So I reached out to the seller to confirm the price and inquire more about the damage. She advised that was helping her dad sell it so she could not provide much information other than that it had damage and her dad was concerned it would not float. I figured since it was only $10 and 45 minutes that I could waste my time and money on something worse. We agreed for me to come view the following day after work. Well, got delayed a little bit and arrived after sunset without a proper flashlight. The damage area was covered in flashing tape so I couldn't truly see the extend of damage but figured that i was already there and that it was only ten bucks. So, I paid and was on my way after a friendly conversation with the seller's mother.

Two days later I begin removing the tape to inspect the damage, and upon removal I uncovered a dent about two to three inches long with a cut in the dent about an inch and a half long. Took the advice of some of the FB kayak groups and went with plastic welding the damage. I filled the cut first then went back filled the dent in. Wasn't a pretty patch job but after testing it with filling the hull with a lit of water saw no leaks. Went to Academy the following day and bout a new seat since the stock one's straps rotted away and because I want some cushion for my back. Fast forward to this past Monday/Columbus Day and made a trip out to Sargent to try her out. First hiccup was the cord to raise/lower the rudder broke but other than that she did well. My buddy tagged along and used my old Cobra Play and now he's hooked on kayaks too. Attached some photos below.
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Re: $10 Tarpon 140

Post by TexasJim »

Great score, bc! When I was searching for a Viking Profish 400, I almost bought an old 140. I prefer the '08 and earlier ones, without the tracks, hinged hatches, etc. Like most "new and improved" things, the '09 ones left off things I like, added things I don't, added weight and were more expensive. The original Tarpons were super yaks, and Wilderness and most other makers don't make anything like them anymore. Yaks that perform like them are very expensive now. A very useful addition is to add two flush-mount rod holders forward of the seat, on the gunwales, like Vikings have. Catch 'em up! TexasJim
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Re: $10 Tarpon 140

Post by bcompton103 »

I don't think I would be a fan of henges on my lids as well. I like the ability to completely remove the cover to have full access to cram stuff in if I want to. Next on the list to purchase is replacement cables for the rudder, then bungees, then rod forward rod holders, and then stuff I probably don't actually need lol. Taking it out again this week but will be using it just to get to spots to bank fish from since my six year old is tagging along with little yak.
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Re: $10 Tarpon 140

Post by TexasJim »

Most yak makers use Spectra(?) braid for the rudder control cables. Being the doubtful one, I bought 450# teflon-coated shark leader for my Pescador 12. Auto parts stores have brass cable stops that will work, but the screws are plated steel, and will rust while you watch. Replace them with stainless. Never had a problem. Either will work. You and the little guy enjoy! TexasJim
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Re: $10 Tarpon 140

Post by wittich »

I will give you 20 bucks for it.
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Re: $10 Tarpon 140

Post by mwatson71 »

TexasJim wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 5:43 pm Most yak makers use Spectra(?) braid for the rudder control cables. Being the doubtful one, I bought 450# teflon-coated shark leader for my Pescador 12. TexasJim
I need to replace the rudder cable in my Hobie, and I love the shark leader idea! Thanks.
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