Riviera 5/16 report

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Riviera 5/16 report

Post by angryblue333 »

Went out this morning with my daughter to drown some shrimp and get some exercise. We put in near Drum Point and paddled (pedalled, actually) around to the different platforms. Caught a mess of hardheads on shrimp on the bottom and gulp, with the second little son of a gun managing to jab a spine between my thumb and pointer finger. I can't remember the last time I got stuck, and I never remember getting stuck like that! My whole hand hurt to close and throbbed for about two hours! :evil: :evil:

We got into a mess of 14" trout on new penny and white gulp. I couldn't get anything bigger to bite no matter what I tried. Oh well, we had fun.

I also saw the game warden for the first time over there. Nice guy, came over and said hello and talked for a few after checking my license. No fish on board for him to check. :( There were a couple of other kayaks a little further north from where I was at.

All in all, good times with the kiddo on the water. Minus being assaulted by a hardhead, of course. I think I might try to hit up Wilson's Cut next weekend, but I've never fished anywhere in that area. Any and all advice is welcome. Tight lines!!
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