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Dirty water fishing

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:01 pm
by rabbit
The wind died down to under 15mph this morning so I put the kayak in the laguna and the water was dirty. Started my first drift and was having second thoughts about fishing in this dirty water. Figured I would finish the drift and call it a day, chalking it up to experience. When all of a sudden I caught a snag and it took off peeling line like there was no tomorrow. I managed to get it turned and started taking up slack, it went around the kayak a couple of times and then it went under the kayak and sat. I pulled and the red pulled it was a stalemate. My rod tip was almost past the end of my rod handle. I was hoping that he had not got tangled up under there in my stringer or drift anchor. Finally I started winning and he came out and I grabbed the net and got it in the kayak. Two casts later wham I got another hit. Thought to myself what have I gotten into here. This time it was a flounder. Three more drifts and not another hit so I called it quits. The red was 26 3/4 and the flounder was 17 inches.


Re: Dirty water fishing

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:27 pm
by vanjr
Very nice.

I check the weather and it says "windy" but when i leave work its as beautiful as can be out there. Wish I had taken a vacation day today!!