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This is a weird one!

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:50 pm
by M Michael Meyer
This is a weird one, but it is good to keep the wife happy. :wink: We are new to the hobby. Have our kayaks (Ride 115s), our racks (Malone Downloaders with Telos lift assist), our PFDs (NRS Chinook & Stolquist Cruiser), paddles (Werner Skagit Hooked) and our fishing equipment. We have a first aid kit, a GPS and all our fishing equipment. Our first trip is set for this weekend. The only thing we have left (for now) is a couple of milk crates to stow some gear in. My wife announces that she wants a PINK milk crate. :? We have looked and looked and no pink milk crates. Does anyone know where I could find a pink milk crate?

Re: This is a weird one!

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 12:10 am
by Newt556
Not so weird just female DNA! My 9yr old wanted a Barbie pink milk crate for her lime green kayak! YEA. The closest thing I found to a pink milk crate is the pinkish file crate walmart sells. If they are in stock they will be in the office supply section. If your lucky you will find them on your first stop it took me 5 stores before I found one. You note I said pinkish my 9yr old didnt buy it took some selling but she finally shut up and accepted it. They are smaller than a milk crate too. Last resort buy a black milk crate and spray paint it. But in my experience pink spray paint is about as common as the pink crate so good luck.

Re: This is a weird one!

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:55 am
by Fishinintx
They do make a hot pink spray paint for plastics. Also if you w sand the plastic to rough it up, the non plastics paint will stick better. Hone depot carries the marker paint that will work in a pinch.

Re: This is a weird one!

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 5:23 am
by Shadow_Fox
I googled it and came back with several stores that sell them. HOT NEON PINK milk crates. I guess you could argue that it is part of your safety program............. :lol:

Re: This is a weird one!

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:49 am
by generalnotes
You could try the Container Store.

Re: This is a weird one!

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:13 pm
by Newt556
Tried the container store no joy here the clerk sorta looked at me like i was crazy.. To M Michael Meyer if you found one let me know. I still need one.