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Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:38 pm
by Prof. Salt
This afternoon my wife was feeling under the weather, and the in-laws took the kids for game night. That freed me up to let Shannon rest (I went hunting to let her sleep :D ). This beast stepped out just before dark and was very nervous - he had no clue I was there, but he was very jumpy about a pig that was still in the brush. If the other hog was larger than this one, I wanted no part of it! This boar was over 300 lbs (remember, I'm 6'4" and 240 myself), he had cutters nearly 4 inches long and his molars were worn nearly smooth to the gum line. He wil make an impressive european mount!

As I arrived at the property I had sighted my bow in after adjusting the sights, and I elected to sit in a box this evening with my .243 since the bow tree is so close to the pig trail and there was absolutely no wind this afternoon. I figured they would smell me and would never come out, so I closed all the windows in the box blind and just used the peep holes until I was ready for the shot. Worked like a charm, but I need to remember to bring a big strong assistant when I kill these things. I can't pick them up, and could barely drag it far enough to get a good photo, lol.


Re: Mudbeast

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:12 am
by smokedcuda
Congrats!!! You are sittin in the fabled "BPD" zone as we call it in my family, "BIG PIG DOWN" thats everyones favorite text to send at the lease. And your certainly right about needing some extra hands, they get heavy quick when they suddenly die of lead poisoning like that. With those machete like cutters it will be a very nice European mount. If you dont mind the time frame this takes, I sent a bow buck off for a european mount to a company who uses dermestid beetles to clean it all up. They did a fantastic job, no bleached bone look, and all the teeth are still very solid, no wigglies like sometimes when its boiled. Anyway just an option for the skull mount. Well done, makes me jealous... I love chasin those 'sus scrofa', thats latin for pork chops.

Re: Mudbeast

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:59 am
by Prof. Salt
Thanks. I enjoy doing the deer mounts, but the pigs are a challenge because just when you think it's done, a week later the whole thing is greasy again, requiring another soapy boil. It seems to go on forever, but I enjoy the DIY process. A little super glue will fix the wiggling tooth issue. Now I need to find a chunk of wood out there that will make a base for the mount...

Re: Mudbeast

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:46 am
by Barnacle Bill
Piggy!! I've been hunting them myself out here... I hope to get one tonight or tomorrow night.

Re: Mudbeast

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:49 pm
by Prof. Salt
Hunting them with a rifle is a lot easier than with a bow. I always seem to arrow a good one at night when I'm alone. Then I get a flashlight and a stick and crawl into the underbrush to follow the blood trail ...rifle is easier.

Go getcha one, BB!

Re: Mudbeast

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:59 am
by Bloodhound
Nice pig! I can't wait to finally get a huge one like that. I would get a shoulder mount and put him in the living room. My wife would lay a huge guilt trip on me since she thinks mounts belong sequestered in 1 back room, but I can't help myself :D

Re: Mudbeast

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:41 pm
by Prof. Salt
My wife's "pre-nup" consisted of two requests: no dead animals on the walls, and no pistols in the house.

After consistent, gentle education the second issue is long gone. I'm still working on the mounts thing, but for now I am allowed a couple of European mounts in my office and a bunch in the garage. If that's all it takes to keep my girl happy, I'll put the hog head in the garage :D

...besides, she let me put my sailfish on the wall, and that's better than most furry animals, at least for me.