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First Kayak Fishing Trip

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:28 pm
by OhNo_ItsRoman
It's been 3 weeks but I finally got the time to take my first kayak out on, you guessed it, my first ever kayak fishing trip. I went solo (arguably not the best thing to do I know) but I stayed in the Laguna Madre around CosWay and the Park Road running along side the bridge headed toward the island. Ironically I didn't spend much time fishing as much as I spent getting use to my new ride. Wind didn't seem that strong but I underestimated it because before I knew it I was close to 150 yards from land!! I had meant to pick up an anchor at Roy's but they were closed for Easter Monday. What little fishing I did manage to get in was done with shimp on a jig head and a silver spoon. Had a huge pull on the silver spoon before I decided to paddled back in, but was giddy about the chances of catching my first fish on a yak and froze up!! All in all in, even though I was skunked, it was probably the most fun I've ever had fishing!!

Long Story Short: First time kayak fishing and I didn't catch anything but had a blast doing it!!

Re: First Kayak Fishing Trip

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:31 pm
by Kyle461
I did the same on my first out. Not a lot of fishing but mostly getting used to the yak and paddling in the wind.

Planning is key. It's a lot easier to paddle against the wind and drift back with it. I guess out there on the CosWay you could go to either side depending on the winds. North side if you have a northerly wind and south for southerly wind. That way when you spend all the adrenaline and energy hauling in that big pull, the paddle back isn't as bad or you could just drift back and fish.

Re: First Kayak Fishing Trip

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:32 pm
by OhNo_ItsRoman
Yeah that was my thought also, to fish on the north side of the bridge (while I was already loading up) but I guess hindsight really is 20/20 :? I was so excited and nervous for the trip I guess I just wanted to be somewhere familiar and somewhere I knew was pretty flat. Tombo was saying to check out a place called Porno Flats and SmokeWaterDan told me to give Lighthouse Lakes a try so I think after better planning and the definite purchase of an anchor I'll be headed to one of those places this week again.

Re: First Kayak Fishing Trip

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:00 pm
by Z~MAN
Sounds like a good maiden voyage :clap:

Always wear your PFD

Let's go Fishin....coco!

Re: First Kayak Fishing Trip

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:57 pm
by OhNo_ItsRoman
Even without landing a fish it was the perfect start. Picked up an Extrasport Eon PFD at Wind & Wave before I headed out there.

Re: First Kayak Fishing Trip

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:05 am
by Kyle461
OhNo_ItsRoman wrote:Yeah that was my thought also, to fish on the north side of the bridge (while I was already loading up) but I guess hindsight really is 20/20 :? I was so excited and nervous for the trip I guess I just wanted to be somewhere familiar and somewhere I knew was pretty flat. Tombo was saying to check out a place called Porno Flats and SmokeWaterDan told me to give Lighthouse Lakes a try so I think after better planning and the definite purchase of an anchor I'll be headed to one of those places this week again.
Porno Flats would be good with a northerly wind but even works with a southerly one. The bridge cuts off some of the stank on the wind when it's coming from the south.

Re: First Kayak Fishing Trip

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:59 am
by justimm
airport reef in Portland is a good spot too, if theres a north wind its like glass. kind of a pita to get to the water, but a nice spot to paddle around

Re: First Kayak Fishing Trip

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 2:11 pm
by txfshrmn
Awesome glad you had a good time. Wish West Texas was closer to the coastline!

Re: First Kayak Fishing Trip

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 2:58 pm
by Kayak Kid
Fishing from a power boat with friends is a hoot. Fishing in proximity to other kayakers are experiences not to be belittled in any way. Yet, you will find that the many solo kayak excursions in your future are something special. The solitude, the oneness, with all that mom nature has placed at our disposal can be a truly etherial experience.

When solo paddling, remember to take the essentials:

A PFD (worn at all times).
A phone in a water proof container.
First aid kit.
several protein bars
Rain gear.
Optional:...I always carried a large golf umbrella for sun/rain shower protection, and to use as a sail on my (always down wind) return to start.

The tons of equipment that you will gather over the years is ancillary to the above mentioned necessities.

Re: First Kayak Fishing Trip

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 5:50 pm
by CopanoCruisin
In that area between CosWay bait stand ant the intracoastal is an old oilfield road bed called sulpher road. Good fishing that most people just drive by. It runs just parallel to the highway. Used to fish it a lot back in the day when I lived in CC. Just saying.....cC