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Yarborough Pass Nov. 4th

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:59 am
by Yakety_Yak
About eight of us went to fish this area last weekend, some camped all weekend. The fishing was absolutely AMAZING!! Stud trout were caught. Anything from 21.5" to 26.5" trout were caught amongst eight of us. There were small keepers caught as well, 15" to 20", but the bite was non-stop. I finally stopped using my clicker to count the trout after 70. I was throwing back keepers. Everyone caught their limit. Reds were caught but no limits on the reds. One black drum was caught and a lady fish.

The weather was beautiful. The air temps were around a high of 80 degrees around noon time. The water temps were in the upper 60's, pushing toward 70 degrees. The winds were non-existent in the morning with a max of 10 mph by lunch time.

If you decide to fish this area, be sure to drive a 4wd vehicle. You will definitely need a vehicle with a high platform and nothing low to the ground. Cars with AWD and 4wd will bottom out. If you get stuck out there and are not prepared, a tow truck will charge you around $1600.00 to tow you out. Make no mistake about this. It will be very expensive!

Good luck to those that go out and tight lines!










Re: Yarborough Pass Nov. 4th

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:22 am
by redruM4un
Good stuff!

Re: Yarborough Pass Nov. 4th

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 12:04 pm
by Kayak Kid
Great stuff!

Thanks for sharing.

My last trip to Yarborough was in my brand new Crv. "go anyhere" 4 wheel drive. As you indicated, such vehicles, even if 4 wheel drives, but close to ground, will not cut it when beach conditions are dire. I lost my entire computer "box" to a piece of driftwood.

Fortunately, a kind person with a real 4 wheel drive truck, pulled me back to the beach parking lot. The repair and tow to the Honda dealer was, needless to say, quite costly.

Re: Yarborough Pass Nov. 4th

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:01 pm
by karstopo
Had to be super fun with all that action on the fish.

Great to see such numbers on the trout in a region that was supposed to be hit hard by the freeze.

ULM speckled trout to me have a look that differs from the trout I’m used to seeing up my way. Yours appear to have bigger, bolder, and more spots on average than the ones I see here. They appear to be also more sleek down there.

Thanks for the report!

Re: Yarborough Pass Nov. 4th

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:27 am
by Kitsune
Awesome looking stringers! Congratulations on the snaggletoothed speckled-backs.