TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by yakin »

NO FEES FOR MANUAL POWERED TRANSPORTATION...PERIOD! Be it kayaks, bicycles or good 'ole foot traffic. :evil:
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Post by spazjdm »

Bigrock wrote:The cost of hunting and fishing in Texas continues to rise, little by little. Want to bow hunt? x-tra Want to fish saltwater? x-tra Turkey hunt? mo $ So much has been added over the years, we got used to it, so now it's the super sized combo, just like a damn burger. And they still keep cramming stuff into it. Mo' regulation....not this time.
glad active duty military gets to hunt and fish for free
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by jbarnes »

What about us kids who want to Kayak? Some do not have enough money for fees on yaks. Thats why we use them. No fee, easy to buy and use. No transferringregistration if you happen to buy or sell a used one.
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by rabb »

You know, I was still discussing this with someone the other day, and we came to a funny point.

Currently (at least as far as has been my experience), you can drink in a kayak, if it so suits you, because it's not motor-operated. Same reason all those tubers get away with it. With registration comes regulation, however, and suddenly I could be operating a "vehicle". We never sit on a kayak and get sloppy stupid, but if the registration world enters into hand-paddling, it might not be long before everyone on San Marcos River could be D.U.I.

Although, I'd love to watch that happen one sunny Saturday afternoon. I wonder if the sobriety test includes walking a straight line in the river. Ha ha.
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by jlai92 »

Yeah no to paying anything the whole reason I got a kayak is to avoid these fees and enjoy what I love. I think if more gamewardens were put they would catch alot of people fishing with out licenses and people who keep illegal fish. Heck I know for damn sure the places I fish only a hand full has licenses I don't want to see this registration for kayaks cause it's just total chaos to go through the trouble of doing so
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by mch4fishing »

In the dark here...Is there any new info on what is going to happen with this issue???
I was told that Canoe's and Kayak's would never have registration in the USA due to Indian treaty.
Sounds like we all need to go to Austin and set up mass Kayak's on the capitol grass in protest....Never mind they would probably just count the yaks and get $$$ eye balls

Sorry for the rant I just totally disagree with any Taxes on non petroleum vehicles Canoe's , Kayak's ,Row boats, Bikes, Skateboards crap even Unicycle's and any other human powered form of transportation. they already get us on Gas tax and car/truck reg I get that but this puts a new shade to shady.
Just sayin
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by promark03 »

I just can't believe that people on this forum are willing to pay more money to the system. I can see motor boat registration, but kayaks? The whole reason I love the sport is becasue its inexpensive and really fun. I am outraged that the idea of kayak registration has even come up :!:
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by JarrodWeaver »

@beljason is right on target. It's amazing to me how many TKF members are willing to roll over and agree to more taxation and regulation. Send your money wherever you like, just don't hold everyone with a paddle in their hand hostage.

My experience is that most yakers take care and promote the habitat they spend so much time in. They are always picking up trash on waterways and predominantly practice catch and release fishing. TPW should welcome this group without taxation.

Austin is spending a gazillion dollars on adding bike lanes which have no registration fees. What is spend to aid kayakers is pennies in comparison...

I do not support further taxation or regulation!
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by jimbotx2 »

Just read an article about the multi-billion dollar shortfall for the 2011 state budget. Governor For Life Perry says no new taxes, but fee increases will be OK.

We had best get a firm grip on our wallets. I am wondering what they are going to come up with next? They've already milked us pretty good on hunting/fishing licenses.
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by Hardy »

Here are my thoughts.

No tax on human powered watercraft.

However if txwpp gets their way and the lighthouse lakes area becomes off limits to power craft then kayaks become an exclusive user group. By all means they need tx numbers. To help pay for enforcement of course.
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by Deacon »

The legislational process in Texas being what it is, this is an example of what occurs within the session. Our State Reps and Senators are only on the state hill part of the time. So all the bills are worked on when not in session. All bills are given a number as to what order they will be presented. The Lt. Gov. reserves the first 20 for himself. Then allocates those numbers to "pet" bills. As of the beginning of this legislative session there are 8000 bills being presented.

A new registration fee would have to be voted upon to take effect. A "stamp" attached to the current license would be a budget issue. Both would have to be presented to a committee to be either approved to be placed in a bill or placed into the budget with designations for revenue placement.

Needless to say any decision would take a while to put into place.

Keeping that in mind, NO government program to date that I am aware of has ever been stopped once started. If this was done as a stamp fee, paddler fee, etc. Then it would be a matter of TPWD deciding to raise the fee which does not need congressional approval.

Being deep sunk in Texas Politics as I am my vote is for no new taxes, fees or otherwise. The money is there, it just has to be allocated properly. I do believe that TPWD is under funded in many ways. But the whole state needs an audit. The states two biggest expenses are Education and Health Care. Those two items take between 75-80% of the entire states budget. Lotto was supposed to pay for education. Ma Richards sold us that bill of goods and just put the money in the general fund because education is paid for out of the general fund. So new programs got started and the money was never targeted for "only education". Once the money was allocated for other things there was no way to change it because, "Once a government program starts, you can't stop it". That's because no politician is going to put his or her neck on the line to defund a project that effects his or her district.

In the immortal words of Uncle Ronnie. "Just say no!"
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by Chief Brody »

Hardy wrote:Here are my thoughts.

No tax on human powered watercraft.

However if txwpp gets their way and the lighthouse lakes area becomes off limits to power craft then kayaks become an exclusive user group. By all means they need tx numbers. To help pay for enforcement of course.
you got your acronyms mixed up there partner. txwpp is not tpwd.

This thread is about tpwd considering requiring registration of and possibly taxing kayaking. The thread about txwpp and what is wants is in another location - as you well know.

There is a fine line between beating the drum for a cause you believe in and trolling. You planning on posting your thoughts on fishing reports out of lhl's too?
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by Hardy »

No, this thread is about taxation on paddle craft. I agree that there should no registration tax on those vessels.

We are weighing in our thoughts on the subject right? Or am I mistaken?

But my belief is subject to change if the state issues "nmz's" and kayaks get PUBLIC waters to our selves. At that time the state has to deal with enforcement and that requires money. Hence there needs to be a tax to pay for enforcement. And the users of that water need to be taxed.
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by Jay61 »

Hardy wrote:No, this thread is about taxation on paddle craft. I agree that there should no registration tax on those vessels.

We are weighing in our thoughts on the subject right? Or am I mistaken?

But my belief is subject to change if the state issues "nmz's" and kayaks get PUBLIC waters to our selves. At that time the state has to deal with enforcement and that requires money. Hence there needs to be a tax to pay for enforcement. And the users of that water need to be taxed.
"enforcement" assumes there will be fines levied for failure to pay. No doubt more money to dump into the state coffers and I'm sure that will help pay for "enforcement". Everyone is bitching about the fee and overlooking what comes next if you don't pay. This will do nothing but provide our wonderful state gov't (that is currently $27 billion in the hole) with another pot of money to waste and do nothing for the simple sport that is kayaking.
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by Texas Wader »

a small fee and siocker upon purchasing fishing liscense is ok with me. i also would like to see the fee rfevenue go to more and better access and parking Kayak only areas.
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by BigSteveSA »

Show me the quantifiable impact from kayaking/kayakers, justify the necessity of the resources, show me how the funds will be allocated...then we can have an open discussion.

I'm all for paying a fee if they can show me that I am costing the state money. I'm not a freeloader and I absolutely HATE being indebted to anyone.

The day the legislation becomes the law (and I hope that day never comes just like the rest of you), I'll pay my fee and move on.

I'm going to follow this thread so keep us posted if anything comes up where we can come out and voice our concerns/listen to their reasoning.
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by mockayaks »

Here are more peeps talking about yak registration in texas with a guest editorial in Kayak Angler Magazine. ... texas.html

It's pretty heated so be advised...
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by stonilee »

I'm all for taxes as long as they are scaled to the craft and as long as the money actually goes to TPWD to help maintain what I enjoy using. Just tax boats with >10hp differently from human powered craft. It can promote more kayaking and less obnoxious watercraft and the trash they sometimes drag along top of them.
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by FD Peanut »

This topic should be a pandoras box to open. There should be more people out there opposing yet another burden to themselves from the government than the sheep that say "if" or "they will eventually" or any other roll over and take another! They will not if you stand up and say "NO!!". The will eventually and do because too many people just give an opinion as to "when it happens". I am tired of sitting back and keeping to myself as to not offend anybody on these kind of issues. If you are offended by me then great, you are the sheep I am talking about. I am against yet another taking by any government. TPWD is government. Most of what TPWD does in my opinion is good; however, they are government and subject as so. I had to give up hunting because it is getting too expensive. I will fight for fishing to not do the same. Many people who have less than I fish for recreation and for the occasional "luxurious" food on the table they can enjoy. Adding yet another tax and the added headache that accompanies the tax will only help to decline fishing amongst the younger of us. I also own a PB and pay the registration plus taxes for the boat and the trailer, and the truck to pull it, and the gas to put into the truck, and the taxes for the gear, and the launch fees, and the taxes on the tires, and the taxes on the batteries along with all the associated environmental taxes included, etc., etc., etc.. People move to this state to escape the extra taxes annd other renamed taxes (fees anyone?). That is why we still have jobs here. At what point do you say enough is enough with all the taxes and fees. No!!!!! No!!!!! No!!!!!! No!!!!!!!! on registering yaks! I already paid when I bought the thing!

Thanks TKF for a place to express myself on something I love! Freedom (what we have left), and fishing!
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by Shadow_Fox »

I have read this topic from page one to now. A lot of comments get posted over and over again with the same opinion. For me I am against taxing canoes, kayaks, and other human powered vessels (can’t forget about the people that pole or paddle boats). For me when I get dropped into a situation that my higher ups want cleaned up I sit back and look at what’s going on over all. In most cases the basics have gotten out of control and that is what is causing the higher levels to become unstable. I look at it this way, when we are growing up our parents teach us (or should be if they aren’t) how to balance our budgets, to live within our own means. If we can’t they step in and help us making sure that we get the idea, little Johnny if you want that new toy cut the grass earn your own money, save your money, and then go get that new toy. When we become adults we get better at balancing our budgets to cover the basics (food, water, shelter, and so forth) with the nice things in life that we enjoy be it a fishing trip, that pay per view we just really want to watch, a night out on the town with our wives or husbands, taking the kids to the water park just to watch them have fun. Why is it that most (not all) people at a lower level understand this task and can manage to complete the task but higher ups fail to do so. When they can’t balance the budget it is a quick and easy decision to add more taxes, raise the rates of tax, and so forth to get more money. DO you think there would be no back lash if I was to go into the office Monday and tell the boss he has no choice but pay me more money because I can’t balance my budget. I agree that not only the states but the entire government needs a complete and detailed audit with public oversight. From what I have found for myself is that anyone can question what I do with my office funds at any time or any other activity because I do what is right so I don’t mind people getting into my books. Take a good look at what you are spending money on and stop padding your partner’s habits just so you can get reelected next term. I have seen some really outrageous spending on programs or studies that are utterly useless. I can’t remember how many thousands of dollars spent on a study to find out if the “common people” are happier on the week days or weekends. Perhaps instead of adding new rules to the house some time should be spent on looking at all the rules and which ones no longer are working or are causing problems. Get back to the basics and check them. The government however is not the only part of this problem there have been a lot of people abuse the system for their own personal gain, I need to get paid money to sit at home and do nothing, not because I cannot but because I do not want to seems to be a running train of thought. Not only should government be looked at but also ourselves. I will say that the door that makes the most noise gets the grease. If you are truly concerned over this issue or others write your government elects. Use forums like this to back your statements and opinions, but when you do be respectful about it, be professional, and don’t say anything bitter that you might have to swallow later. Just my two cents worth I hope it helps.
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by mch4fishing »

FD Peanut wrote:This topic should be a pandoras box to open. There should be more people out there opposing yet another burden to themselves from the government than the sheep that say "if" or "they will eventually" or any other roll over and take another! They will not if you stand up and say "NO!!". The will eventually and do because too many people just give an opinion as to "when it happens". I am tired of sitting back and keeping to myself as to not offend anybody on these kind of issues. If you are offended by me then great, you are the sheep I am talking about. I am against yet another taking by any government. TPWD is government. Most of what TPWD does in my opinion is good; however, they are government and subject as so. I had to give up hunting because it is getting too expensive. I will fight for fishing to not do the same. Many people who have less than I fish for recreation and for the occasional "luxurious" food on the table they can enjoy. Adding yet another tax and the added headache that accompanies the tax will only help to decline fishing amongst the younger of us. I also own a PB and pay the registration plus taxes for the boat and the trailer, and the truck to pull it, and the gas to put into the truck, and the taxes for the gear, and the launch fees, and the taxes on the tires, and the taxes on the batteries along with all the associated environmental taxes included, etc., etc., etc.. People move to this state to escape the extra taxes annd other renamed taxes (fees anyone?). That is why we still have jobs here. At what point do you say enough is enough with all the taxes and fees. No!!!!! No!!!!! No!!!!!! No!!!!!!!! on registering yaks! I already paid when I bought the thing!

Thanks TKF for a place to express myself on something I love! Freedom (what we have left), and fishing!
***Yep what he said***
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by mch4fishing »

Shadow_Fox wrote:I have read this topic from page one to now. A lot of comments get posted over and over again with the same opinion. For me I am against taxing canoes, kayaks, and other human powered vessels (can’t forget about the people that pole or paddle boats). For me when I get dropped into a situation that my higher ups want cleaned up I sit back and look at what’s going on over all. In most cases the basics have gotten out of control and that is what is causing the higher levels to become unstable. I look at it this way, when we are growing up our parents teach us (or should be if they aren’t) how to balance our budgets, to live within our own means. If we can’t they step in and help us making sure that we get the idea, little Johnny if you want that new toy cut the grass earn your own money, save your money, and then go get that new toy. When we become adults we get better at balancing our budgets to cover the basics (food, water, shelter, and so forth) with the nice things in life that we enjoy be it a fishing trip, that pay per view we just really want to watch, a night out on the town with our wives or husbands, taking the kids to the water park just to watch them have fun. Why is it that most (not all) people at a lower level understand this task and can manage to complete the task but higher ups fail to do so. When they can’t balance the budget it is a quick and easy decision to add more taxes, raise the rates of tax, and so forth to get more money. DO you think there would be no back lash if I was to go into the office Monday and tell the boss he has no choice but pay me more money because I can’t balance my budget. I agree that not only the states but the entire government needs a complete and detailed audit with public oversight. From what I have found for myself is that anyone can question what I do with my office funds at any time or any other activity because I do what is right so I don’t mind people getting into my books. Take a good look at what you are spending money on and stop padding your partner’s habits just so you can get reelected next term. I have seen some really outrageous spending on programs or studies that are utterly useless. I can’t remember how many thousands of dollars spent on a study to find out if the “common people” are happier on the week days or weekends. Perhaps instead of adding new rules to the house some time should be spent on looking at all the rules and which ones no longer are working or are causing problems. Get back to the basics and check them. The government however is not the only part of this problem there have been a lot of people abuse the system for their own personal gain, I need to get paid money to sit at home and do nothing, not because I cannot but because I do not want to seems to be a running train of thought. Not only should government be looked at but also ourselves. I will say that the door that makes the most noise gets the grease. If you are truly concerned over this issue or others write your government elects. Use forums like this to back your statements and opinions, but when you do be respectful about it, be professional, and don’t say anything bitter that you might have to swallow later. Just my two cents worth I hope it helps.
@ shadow fox
First off I would like to thank you for your serving. My hats off to you.....
Second I also would like to thank you for HITTING the Nail Square On The Head.
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by txspeck »

I am not oppose to it if they designate areas on bay waters for Kayaks only?
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by schrade »

I paid tax when I bought my kayak, life jacket & paddle. 6.25% went directly to the state. The thought of requiring kayak registration is just ridiculous - they might as well require us to get plates for our bicycles, scooters, tubes, skateboards, etc.
Govt is out of control- stop wasting our money!!! :horse:
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Re: TPWD weighs in on "Kayak Registration"

Post by kungfu hooksets »

Just want to voice my opinion also. For real? registration for yaks=raises for TXPW . No other way to put we need more game wardens harassing us(haven't met a kind one yet. Just my experience.)
NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO. your not not thinking long haul if u thinking other wise.
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