Setting up a kayak to fish offshore

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Prof. Salt
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Setting up a kayak to fish offshore

Post by Prof. Salt »

If you're contemplating heading offshore in your little plastic boat to search for big fish that will make your reel's drag scream in falsetto notes, here's a good place to start. The thing I didn't include (and it's important) is a vhf radio. I normally pack that in the hatch between my knees for easy access.

If you're new here, I'm one of the "more experienced" members and I paddle over 300 miles per year offshore. That doesn't mean I'm the only or best resource for information, but I do have an idea of what is needed. Offshore is one area where accidents and problems that would be minor in the bay can become a little more pressing. It is worthwhile to think about the possible problems and take precautions before heading out. Go with someone until you've really got the hang of paddling out there, but as I mention in the video solo trips are also possible when you are ready. I sometimes get busy at work and don't check in here as often as I could. If you have a question and don't get a quick response, try me on Facebook. Just look for my page Prof. Salt Outdoors. I usually respond the same day on that forum. Good luck!
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Re: Setting up a kayak to fish offshore

Post by kickingback »

Some great info in the video Glen. Thanks for sharing!
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