Are these Redfish?

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Minnesota Fats
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Are these Redfish?

Post by Minnesota Fats »

Skip to 1:10 and you can start seeing them pop to the surface and then disappear quickly all over the place. Very bad water clarity and sorry my drone isn't the greatest but you can see them for a second or two if you look closely before they disappear again.

Are the fish in this video I took Redfish? I flew my drone over a line of mangroves on the edge of a popular large flat in SPI after scaling it in my kayak and seeing constant pops and scattering in the water as I went along. Assuming they were probably Redfish I fluttered and straight retrieved Johnson 1/4thoz gold spoons on top/dragged in front of them for about 4 hours over two days without even a bite. I'm fairly new to saltwater fishing and I'm not sure though, maybe they are mullet? They never jumped like mullet, only popped the surface like a fish hitting topwater. They are also on top of a big oyster bed that goes along the entire mangrove.

If so, any tips on catching them? I lost two spoons to all the oysters around them.
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Re: Are these Redfish?

Post by Neumie »

Really hard to tell given quality of the video and being shot from a fairly high elevation, but my initial reaction is it's not reds. Then I slowed the video down to 1/4 speed and have second guess myself, especially at around 1:27. That fish doesn't look like how a mullet would swim. Could be neither too.

I would throw either a 3" gulp shrimp or Buggs (either the redfish or double bunny jig). If those don't get bit then you can move on.
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Re: Are these Redfish?

Post by screwston420 »

mullet im sure... id take that drone back and invest in a DJI drone... had my phantom 3 for 5 years now and still going strong.
could even be lady fish or big shad also
Minnesota Fats
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Re: Are these Redfish?

Post by Minnesota Fats »

Thanks for the replies. I felt the sheer quantity suggested mullet, but the lack of hopping and tendency to be lying and spook as I paddle by made me think red fish. Also I can't think of a reason for mullet to pop the surface as frequently as these guys were. I'll try the Gulp next time.

And yeah the drone isn't the best but so far not horrible for the $200 budget I had on my amazon gift card.
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Re: Are these Redfish?

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Most likely mullet.. I've seen mullet act just like that.
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