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Crunchy Marinated Duck Wraps

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 7:56 am
by blesker
For those of you who think duck isn't good to eat, I'd like you to try this recipe.

Oh - and for those of you who think duck *is* good to eat, I'll be interested in hearing how you like this recipe.

Marinate your duck breasts for a half a day or so in a mixture of soy, teriyaki sauce, and srirachi chili paste (it's that red pepper sauce you see in the squeeze bottle with the rooster on the front)

I had 2 ducks (for breast pieces) and used roughy 1/2 cup soy, 1/4 cup teriyaki, and a generous squirt (4 tablespoons or more) of the sriracha sauce.

For your wrap get a fresh head of lettuce, shred a carrot, get some fried chowmein noodels, soy sprouts (if you'd like) and your ready. What you're after here is a mix of items that give you a nice crunchy texture. You can substitute, delete, or add to what I used above. :)

Grill your duck breast over medium heat until done medium well. I started mine on the lower grill, then moved them up to finish them.

Remove from the grill, and cut into thin 1/4" slices.

Allow your guests to build their own duck wrap. You just lay a couple of duck piece on the lettuge, pile up the other ingredients, add the sauces you want, and wrap and eat. mmmmmmmmm

Serve with satay sauce (a peanut sauce found in the oriental food section) and more sriracha sauce.

A mixture of hoisin and srirachi is great on this too.

These two birds fed 4 folks as a good appetizer yesterday.

Enjoy - and please report back if you try this. Like I said, I always like to know what folks think of my creations.



Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:29 pm
by trouttracker
Made them tonight and got nothing but rants and raves about them. this recipe ranks no.1 in my book. Thanks


Re: wraps

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:07 pm
by blesker
trouttracker wrote:Made them tonight and got nothing but rants and raves about them. this recipe ranks no.1 in my book. Thanks


Diggit :)
